GentleMax Pro™ Laser Treatments
Refer to our price list or book a complimentary Skin Health Consultation for your tailored quote.
Numerous treatments may be required to achieve results depending on the treatment and area of the body.
Hair Removal
The GentleMax Pro™ is the gold standard for effective hair removal in skin types I-VI, which includes most skin types. The GentleMax Pro™ excels in providing safe, high speed, effective laser hair removal with high patient satisfaction and comfort. Typically, permanent hair removal requires 4-6 treatments, but some patients require more. Top up treatments are often required at 6 month intervals.
What are the stages of hair growth?
1. Growth Phase (Anagen)
2. Transition or “Shrivelling” phase (Catagen)
3. Resting Phase (Telogen) the old hair falls out and the Growth phase begins again. The average growth rate of healthy hair follicles on the scalp is .04 cm per day or about 1cm a month.
During the Anagen or growth phase, the cells in the root of the hair are dividing rapidly, extending the hair shaft. The matrix of the hair surrounds and feeds the hair during its’ stage of growth. During the Anagen or growth phase the hair is most receptive to Laser Hair Removal as it is rich in protein, keratinized cells and melanin. The amount of time the hair follicle stays in the Anagen phase is determined by your genetic make-up. A hair’s Anagen phase may last for several years, with Anagen hairs representing about 85% of our hair.
At the conclusion of the Anagen phase the follicle enters the Catagen or transition phase. During the Catagen phase, chemical and structural changes occur in the hair follicle causing the hair to retract and move away from the dermal papilla. The hair stops growing, and remains in this phase for only two to three weeks before moving into the next phase. Approximately 5% of our hair is in the Catagen phase at any time. The next stage is the Telogen or resting phase when the hair begins to shed while the follicle is stimulated to begin a new cycle. The length of this stage varies significantly, with some hair replaced immediately as a newly growing hair pushes the “resting” hair out of the follicle. The new hair emerges from the same opening at the surface of the skin as the old one, repeating the hair growth cycle again. Pulling out a hair in this phase will reveal a solid, hard, dry, white material at the root. Approximately 10% of our body’s hair is in the Telogen phase with 25-100 Telogen hairs being shed each day.
There are two common types of hair. Body hair that grows in most places on the human body in women and men known as “vellus hair”, these hairs are typically shorter and finer, and are often referred to as being like “peach fuzz”. Terminal hair, developed or mature hair, typically this hair is longer, coarser, thicker, and darker than vellus hair, covering body areas including the head, arm pits and pubic areas in patterns determined by gender, age and DNA genetic make-up. Interestingly, babies are born with an identifiably different third type of hair, referred to as “lanugo”, finer than mature “vellus hair” it covers nearly all the body of newborns.
To better understand Hair Growth and how Laser works to safely remove hair it is desirable to have some understanding of the structure of hair. Our DNA genetic make-up determines much of our appearance including hair colour, texture and type, hair type is commonly referenced as being either straight, curly, wiry or wavy. These attributes can modify or change substantially over time due to age, diet and climatic conditions.
At the base of the hair follicle is a large structure referred to as the papilla. The papilla mostly comprises connective tissue and a capillary loop. Cell division in the papilla is rare or infrequent.
Surrounding the papilla is the hair matrix, a collection of epithelial cells often interspersed with the pigment producing cells. Cell division in the hair matrix is responsible for the cells that will form the major structures of the hair fibre and the inner hair root sheath. The hair matrix epithelium is one of the fastest growing cell populations in the human body, which is why some forms of chemotherapy that kill dividing cells or radiotherapy may lead to temporary hair loss of this rapidly dividing cell population. The papilla is usually egg or pear shaped with the matrix wrapped completely around it except for a short stalk-like connection to the surrounding connective tissue that provides access for the capillary.
The root sheath is composed of an external root sheath, a middle layer, and an internal cuticle that is continuous with the outermost layer of the hair fibre.
The duration of the hair growth cycle varies in different parts of the body. For eyebrows, the cycle is completed in around 4 months, while it takes the scalp 3 to 4 years to complete; this is why eyebrow hairs have a fixed length, while hairs on the head grow so long.
Some Examples of Growth Times
Scalp |
Arms |
Pubic Area |
Anagen (Growth) Phase |
2 to 3 years |
18 to 24 months |
6 to 8 months |
Catagen (shrivelling) Phase |
2 to 3 weeks |
6 to 10 weeks |
6 to 10 weeks |
Telogen (resting) Phase |
About 3 months |
About 3 months |
About 5 months |
The duration of these phases varies from person to person and is affected by our basic genetic (DNA) make-up, age, health and gender. Different hair colour and follicle shape also affects the timings of these phases. Because laser hair removal treatment is only effective during the Anagen or growth phase when the hair is rich in protein, keratinized cells and melanin, a significant amount of hair is not removed by initial laser treatment and further laser treatments are required for the hairs that were in transition and resting phases as they progress to the Anagen growth phase and are susceptible to the laser.
How should I prepare for my laser treatment?
The area being treated should not be exposed to the sun for at least 2 weeks prior to the treatment. Daily application of sunscreen is recommended. The area being treated should not be waxed or plucked for at least 6 weeks prior to and after treatment. The use of depilatory creams is also prohibited.
Prior to your laser treatment, the area should be cleaned and free of all products and deodorants. It is advised that you shave 24 – 48 hours prior to your treatment. No fake tan should be applied to the area for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. If you have a history of cold sores/fever blisters, an anti-viral can be prescribed to commence prior to treatment. If there is concern over pigmentary changes, a prophylactic bleaching cream can be used weeks prior to treatment.
What can I expect when I arrive for my laser treatment?
During your initial consultation, our Skin Health Therapist will go through a consent form with you. There are also a series of questions to confirm your eligibility for Laser Hair Removal. At this time, our Skin Health Therapist will identify your skin type, assess the hair type, assess the condition of the skin, identify any precautions to be taken during the treatment and exclude any reasons why you may not be able to proceed with the treatment. Once all paperwork and questions are concluded, a test patch is performed to determine your reaction to the laser.
What can I expect after my treatment?
The treatment area should appear red. There should be swelling around the hair follicles, known are per-follicular edema. Some patients can experience a hive like response. Lighter hairs may not respond as significantly. Any discomfort can be eased with the application of cool compresses, aloe vera gel, sunscreen or in extreme cases, a cortisone cream.
What are the complications associated with laser?
Complications are rare but can include heat rash, bruising, scarring, infection, hyper-pigmentation, hypo-pigmentation, swelling or welting.
Laser Vascularity
Laser vascularity services include correction of diffused red areas including facial redness or diffused redness, spider veins or telangiectasia, facial vessels, leg veins, haemangioma’s, cherry angioma’s, port wine stains and venus lakes.
The GentleMax Pro™ can also treat diffused sun damage which is often seen on the face, neck, chest and arms. Depending on the extent of sun damage, a series of treatments may be necessary, but significant improvement is seen with each treatment.
The GentleMax Pro™ can treat the background redness and broken blood vessels on the cheeks, nose and chin. Because the background redness and broken blood vessels are a result of broken blood vessels, you should expect to have some redness, swelling and possible bruising for several days after the treatment. We suggest that you do not take aspirin or NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, Motrin Meloxicam, Celebrex) for 1 week prior to your procedure if medically allowable. We do not advise any patient to stop any blood thinners for this procedure without first consulting a medical professional.
How does Laser Vascularity work?
Laser therapy is a proven, non-invasive and safe treatment for telangiectasia, more commonly known as spider veins. The lasers work by emitting light through the skin that is absorbed by the blood in the vessels. The blood coagulates and appears darker or the laser causes the vein to blanch and disappear. With laser vein therapy, there is no compression stocking or injection needed for treatment. Multiple treatments are generally required for vascularity. Maintenance treatments may be required to maintain the results of diffused redness treatments.
What are the exceptions to laser vascularity?
A few treatments may be necessary depending on the vein. It normally takes between 4-6 weeks on the face and 8-12 weeks on the legs for the body to absorb the blood vessel. Sometimes, the small spider veins are a result of a deeper feeder vein allowing for blood to branch off into tiny vessels. In this case, Sclerotherapy will be recommended to stop the feeder vein first, followed by laser vein therapy for the smaller, more superficial veins. Our clinic does not perform Sclerotherapy however, we are able to refer you on.
How should I prepare for my laser treatment?
The area being treated should not be exposed to the sun for at least 2 weeks prior to the treatment. Daily application of sunscreen is recommended. The area being treated should not be waxed or plucked for at least 6 weeks prior to and after treatment. The use of depilatory creams is also prohibited. Prior to your laser treatment, the area should be cleaned and free of all products. No fake tan should be applied to the area for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. If you have a history of cold sores/fever blisters, an anti-viral can be prescribed to commence prior to treatment. If there is concern over pigmentary changes, a prophylactic bleaching cream can be used weeks prior to treatment.
Vitamin E, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Fish Oils or other Blood thinners may increase the likelihood of bruising. We suggest that you do not take aspirin or NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, Motrin Meloxicam, Celebrex) for 1 week prior to your procedure if medically allowable. We do not advise any patient to stop any blood thinners for this procedure without first consulting a medical professional. When treating lower extremities diabetic patients should have clearance from their primary physician.
What can I expect when I arrive for my laser treatment?
During your initial consultation, our Skin Health Therapist will go through a consent form with you. There are also a series of questions to confirm your eligibility for Laser Vascularity. At this time, our Skin Health Therapist will identify your skin type, assess the vascularity and consult with our Doctor, assess the condition of the skin, identify any precautions to be taken during the treatment and exclude any reasons why you may not be able to proceed with the treatment.Once all paperwork and questions are concluded, a test patch is performed to determine your reaction to the laser.
What can I expect after my treatment?
Redness around the vascular area is normal. Vessels themselves usually blanch and disappear. In some cases purpura can occur when the lesion appears purple or black as a result of the blood coagulating. This can last for up to 3 weeks. A transient grey can appear but this most often will turn into purpura.
Any discomfort can be eased with the application of cool compresses, aloe vera gel, sunscreen or in extreme cases, a cortisone cream. After the treatment, any activities that cause an increase in blood pressure should be avoided e.g. exercise, for 3 – 5 days. This allows the results of the treatment to be maintained. Any increase in blood circulation can result in vessels reopening and returning to their prior appearance.
What are the complications associated with laser?
Complications are rare but can include bruising, scarring, infection, hyper-pigmentation, hypo-pigmentation, swelling or welting.
Laser Pigmentation
Laser pigmentation services include epidermal pigmented lesions and age spots, benign keratosis, sun spots, freckles, melasma, seborrheic keratosis and café au lait.
Pigmentation is the colouring of the skin due to an increase of melanin in the affected area. Melanin is the pigment that gives our skin, hair and eyes their colour. The GentleMax Pro™ can effectively remove unwanted brown spots and benign keratosis without scarring. Some spots may require more than one treatment. Excessive pigmentation (also known as hyperpigmentation) is a sign that melanin is abnormally concentrated in one area of the skin. It can be caused by genetics, hormones or overexposure to the sun’s damaging rays. Hyperpigmentation may present as freckles, age spots, or larger patches of darkened skin, often on the face, neck, décolletage and hands.
How does Laser Pigmentation work?
Our skilled Laser Technicians use our high performance laser to treat superficial pigmentation. The laser targets areas of excessive melanin in your skin without harming the surrounding tissue. Our laser pigmentation removal treatment draws a portion of this excessive pigmentation to the surface of your skin where it will dry out and fall away, reducing the size and prominence of the pigmentation. The rest of the pigmentation is absorbed internally by the body natural process, know as macrophage activity.
Laser pigmentation removal will reduce your skin’s discolouration, even out your skin tone and reveal a glowing complexion free of imperfections. Any dermal pigmentation lying deeper in the skins dermis may appear lighter but cannot allows be treated.
2-3 treatments are generally required for most forms of pigmentation. Maintenance treatments may be required to maintain results in the long term.
Is Laser Pigmentation right for me?
At Haly Health & Skin, we work with patients of all ages to fade and eliminate superficial brown blemishes and other brown marks like Seborrheic Keratosis, café au lait patches, Nevus of Ito, Nevus of Ota, freckles and flat pigmented moles. Our patients are reviewed by our Doctor prior to treatment to assess pigmented lesions before they are treated to determine their eligibility for treatment. A complimentary consultation is recommended with our Skin Health Therapist to discuss your options prior to treatment.
How should I prepare for my laser treatment?
The area being treated should not be exposed to the sun for at least 2 weeks prior to the treatment. Daily application of sunscreen is strongly recommended due to the high risk of hyper and hypo-pigmentation. The area being treated should not be waxed or plucked for at least 6 weeks prior to and after treatment. The use of depilatory creams is also prohibited. Prior to your laser treatment, the area should be cleaned and free of all products. No fake tan should be applied to the area for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.
If you have a history of cold sores/fever blisters, an anti-viral can be prescribed to commence prior to treatment. If there is concern over pigmentary changes, additional topical applications can be prescribed for use prior to treatment.
What can I expect when I arrive for my laser treatment?
During your initial consultation, our Skin Health Therapist will go through a consent form with you. There are also a series of questions to confirm your eligibility for Laser Pigmentation. At this time, our Skin Health Therapist will identify your skin type, assess the pigmentation and consult with the Doctor, assess the condition of the skin, identify any precautions to be taken during the treatment and exclude any reasons why you may not be able to proceed with the treatment.
Once all paperwork and questions are concluded, a test patch is performed to determine your reaction to the laser.
During the laser procedure, it is common to hear a ‘snap’ with larger darker lesions. The sensation on the skin is comparable to a rubber band flick. Heat is felt in the skin and there is sometimes a stinging tingling sensation after the treatment.
What can I expect after my treatment?
The treatment area will appear red. Pigmented lesions will appear darker. Over the course of a few hours, the redness will dissipate and lesions will progressively become darker. Over a few days, these lesions dry out and can cause a degree of micro-crusting on the skin which peels away over 2 – 3 weeks. It is important to keep skin hydrated and to avoid all abrasives on the skin during this time. Larger lesions such as seborrheic keratosis can appear frosted and develop a micro-crust. Aquaphor, bacitracin or even Vaseline ointment can be used to keep the area moist until the crust falls off. The skin underneath will be pink. There is a gradual return to normal skin colour over time.
Patient should avoid direct and indirect sun exposure for at least 2 weeks before & after the laser treatment. You should use sunscreen on the treated area daily. Sun exposure may contribute to hyperpigmentation in treated area. Any discomfort can be eased with the application of cool compresses, aloe vera gel, sunscreen or in extreme cases, a cortisone cream.
What are the complications associated with laser?
Complications are rare but can include discomfort, bruising, swelling, scabs, scarring, infection, hyper-pigmentation, hypo-pigmentation or lesion recurrence.
How long will the results last?
The result post laser treatments can be maintained by caring for the skin. Sunscreen daily and the use of topical applications such as Vitamin C can reduce the recurrence of pigmentation. There are however, several reasons why pigment may surface sooner, including hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, medications, menopause and sun exposure. Pigmentation will always inevitably reappear however maintenance treatments can help to manage it’s appear and keep it at bay for longer.
Skin Tightening
The GentleMax Pro™ can achieve skin tightening on any area of the body over a series of treatments every 4 weeks. This non-ablative photo-rejuvenating treatment requires a series of 4-6 treatments. This procedure does not require sedation and there is no downtime with only redness and slight swelling expected post treatment.
How does Laser Skin Tightening work?
The thermal injury created causes collagen injury and contraction. Inflammatory cytokines resulting from thermal injury signal wound healing mechanisms. These mechanisms include the activation of fibroblasts to create Type I collagen.
Is Laser Skin Tightening right for me?
Treatments can be performed on all skin types. There are several techniques to choose from making this treatment suitable to all laser candidates seeking photo rejuvenation. A series of treatments performed once a month are required.
How should I prepare for my laser treatment?
The area being treated should not be exposed to the sun for at least 2 weeks prior to the treatment. Daily application of sunscreen is recommended. The area being treated should not be waxed or plucked for at least 6 weeks prior to and after treatment. The use of depilatory creams is also prohibited. Prior to your laser treatment, the area should be cleaned and free of all products. No fake tan should be applied to the area for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. If you have a history of cold sores/fever blisters, an anti-viral can be prescribed to commence prior to treatment.
What can I expect when I arrive for my laser treatment?
During your initial consultation, our Skin Health Therapist will go through a consent form with you. There are also a series of questions to confirm your eligibility for Laser Skin Tightening. At this time, our Skin Health Therapist will identify your skin type, assess the condition of the skin, identify any precautions to be taken during the treatment and exclude any reasons why you may not be able to proceed with the treatment. Once all paperwork and questions are concluded, a test patch is performed to determine your reaction to the laser. During the laser procedure, it is common to feel the increasing sensation of heat in the skin. The desired clinical endpoint is to achieve a surface skin temperature of 40-43º C which translates to an approximate dermal temp of 65°C. This is the temperature that can cause collagen contracture.
What can I expect after my treatment?
The treatment area will appear red and warm. Over the course of a few hours, the redness and heat will dissipate. Skin should be kept well hydrated. Patient should avoid direct and indirect sun exposure for at least 2 weeks before & after the laser treatment. You should use sunscreen on the treated area daily. Sun exposure may contribute to hyperpigmentation in treated area.
What are the complications associated with laser?
Complications are rare but can include discomfort, bruising, swelling, scabs, scarring, infection, hyper-pigmentation, hypo-pigmentation or lesion recurrence.
How long will the results last?
The result post laser treatments can be maintained by caring for the skin. Sunscreen daily and the use of topical applications can prolong results. It is important to remember that while laser can considerably improve the appearance of skin, it does not stop ageing. Maintenance treatments may be required.
Nail Fungus Treatment
In conjunction with topical applications, nail fungus treatments have been proven effective when combined with the stimulated energy of the laser.
More Treatments
DermDen Cosmetic Clinic has a range of products, services and treatments to suit all skin types and skin conditions.

Our Signature Treatment
Regenerate, refine & rehydrate your skin with our signature Facial. Your treatment begins with a Microdermabrasion to exfoliate and resurface the skin followed by an Intraceuticals oxygen serum infusion to lift, tone and hydrate.

GentleMax Pro™ Laser Treatments
GentleMax Pro™ is a dual platform laser made by one of the industry’s leaders, Syneron Candela. The GentleMax Pro™ is a dual platform laser using a 755nm Alexandrite laser & a 1064nm Nd:YAG laser, allowing for wide range of options.

eTwo Sublative ™
The eTwo Sublative™ delivers fractionated bipolar radio frequency technology via a matrix of electrodes. This fractional delivery of RF energy causes micro epidermal ablative injuries with wider spread dermal injury.
240 Haly Street, Kingaroy Q 4610
Phone: 07 4162 7787
Fax: 07 4162 7786
Monday: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Tuesday: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Wednesday: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Thursday: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Friday: 8.00am – 2.00pm (Subject to doctor availability)
Public Holidays – Closed
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